Everybody has that dream of saving up enough and investing wisely, allowing them to sail off into the sunset on some tropical island for retirement. In fact, 71% of people who want to retire to Singapore, say being with friends and family is the most important part. While this may not be a realistic goal for all, you can certainly invest confidently and retire at a reasonable age by being smart about your money. Part of this involves buying guaranteed mutual funds early and often. The sooner you start saving, the sooner you can retire. Investing in mutual funds is also a great way to start investing if you are a beginner.
Guaranteed mutual funds can be a great way to determine fund performance and make sure you are getting some return. This is a safe way to invest and cuts down on mutual fund research. Asking your financial planner about guaranteed mutual funds is a great place to start if you aren’t sure. Your financial planner can help you with budgeting, planning for retirement, and investing.
Guaranteed mutual funds are great because they allow access to the money readily while earning interest. Your mutual fund manager can also use the market information he has access to in order to make the best decision regarding your investment. Get started with guaranteed mutual funds by talking to a financial advisor and seeing what the best course of action is for you. See this link for more references: sg.morningstar.com