On a Tuesday morning in July, one person in the neighborhood association posted the following: My mother-in-law came to visit for a few weeks and has decided to move to the area. She is looking for a three bedroom house to purchase near our house (180th and Harrison). She has been checking the internet and other places, but I figured I would ask here if anyone has seen something available. My goal is to have her out of our house while our relationship is still good!
By noon she received the following response: I was going to put up a post tonight on some different sites. We have a house for sale as of August 1 at 175th and Harrison Streets. It is a three bedroom, two bathroom ranch in a cul-de-sac. It has stainless steel appliances in the kitchen, stone fireplace in basement, large composite deck, privacy fence, and sprinkler system. We are also offering a lawn maintenance service!
A few more private messages back and forth and the two different groups scheduled a showing, discussed price, and finalized the sale. If only all real estate transactions could be this easy. The fact of the matter is, however, investment mortgage lenders work with many clients who struggle to find the house that they want and the financing that they need to purchase that house if they find it. Investment mortgage lenders work with home owners, home sellers, and people who are interested in purchasing commercial property for a variety of purposes.
Commercial Real Estate Investment Lenders Help Customers Get Money They Need for Dream Opportunities
Having just retired after teaching kindergarten for 31 years, the 54-year old woman knew she did not want to substitute teach. Her husband, however, knew she had to do something. He certainly understood that going into someone else’s classroom after having complete control of her own room for three years would not be ideal. He tried to impress upon his wife, however, that simply sitting at home was not going to sound inviting for very long either.
He was still busy providing respiratory care and other valuable medical care to the heart patients who came through the local hospital and his hours were very unpredictable. Although they could schedule time away for vacations if they planned months in advance, for the most part, he was often on call. Because he often had to stay in town, his wife liked to do so as well. In the past, however, she had her teaching to keep her busy and productive. It wasn’t really that she needed a job, but she definitely needed something to keep her busy.
He asked a team of investment mortgage lenders if they could help him come up with a solution, by the end of the first summer of the wife’s retirement the investment property mortgage lenders offered an opportunity. They found a gift boutique for sale. The listing had been private because the current owner did not want her customer base to know that she was selling the store. With a combination of real estate secured lending and renovation financing, the investment mortgage lenders were certain that this would be a great purchase.
The wife could use the renovation loan and build a small office in the back of the shop. She could take over the current inventory of the store, work as many hours as she wanted, but hire extra people to work evenings and weekends. In fact, some of the current employees would be willing to stay on if she wanted.
The commercial investment in the boutique might not be incredibly profitable, but it would be easy to show some profit or break even. If needed, the business investment could even become a tax write off. With the wife’s teacher retirement and the husband’s continued salary from the hospital, an extra income was not really the goal. Instead, the husband knew that the wife needed to have a way to stay as busy as she wanted, and the wife had worked retail all through college and part time when she first started teaching. Several meetings, negotiations on price and current and already ordered inventory, and soon everything was finalized.
In many cases, investment lenders help future home and business owners find perfect opportunities.