The Great Recession of 2008 was one of the darkets periods in American History. What was the biggest part of the economy to suffer? The real estate business where millions of people lost their homes and businesses closed because they could not pay their rent. As the economy continues to rebound more people are asking should I invest in real estate.
According to IBIS World research the commercial real estate industry employs an estimated 4,308,177 people in the United States. Commercial real estate is property that is strictly used for business purposes. For those looking to get into the real estate business owning commercial real estate property can be the perfect place to build your portfolio. You do not have to be overly wealthy to buy commercial real estate. Sometimes you just have to be in the right place at the right time.
Companies like American Real Estate Partners have been successful for years investing in commercial property. During 1993 Brian Katz worked for the Evans Company a regional development firm where he was responsible for the marketing and leasing of the company’s 2.5 million square foot office portfolio as well as their 1,500-acre land portfolio. Katz co-founded American Real Estate Partners and the company currently works with some of the most sophisticated institutional investors in the world.
The American Real Estate Partners are a private real estate investment firm operating along the Eastern Seaboard of the United States. The company focuses on commercial real estate assets and real estate financial instruments. American Real Estate Partners act solely as a principal rather than an advisor or capital allocator.
According to New York real estate research firm Real Capital Analytics more than $160 billion of commercial properties in the United States are now in default or foreclosure. This makes it important for investors to have advisors on how to handle their commercial property investments in order to get the most profit out of them. A company like American Real Estate Partners can help make a tough decision an easy one.
Thanks to a rebound by the United States economy more people are asking should I invest in property? Fortunately you do not have to be super rich to gain a valuable investment. You just have to know the market and how your property can grow in the future. Do not ask should I invest in real estate? Ask how much should I invest? Read more here: www.americanrepartners.com